Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday Boo Boo

When I found out I was pregnant with our second baby, I have to admit I was a bit surprised. I knew there was the possibility, but we had some trouble getting pregnant with Kailyn, could it have been so easy this time around? Well then the panic and worry set in. When we first started trying to have a baby, we were successful the first try. Sadly we lost that baby, which was devastating. So for me, getting pregnant our first try again was very scary. Fortunately everything progressed as it should. Baby was growing right on schedule, if not ahead. At 14 weeks we found out the baby was a boy. I was a girl mommy, and all I knew was how to raise a girl. I was so sure that we would have two girls, I never really gave it a thought that I would have a boy. It took 10+ ultrasounds. ( I have complicated pregnancies so I had weekly ultrasounds) before I was able to really grasp the concept that we were having a boy. I just couldn't picture myself with a baby boy. It was a foreign thought. On August 28, 2011 at 9:55pm, Colton Ryan was born. My life again was forever changed. I was completely in love and overwhelmed with emotions. Here was this precious baby boy, that up until this moment, I could not picture ever having. I am so in love with this little man, I can't put it in words. He is the sweetest, cutest, most lovable baby boy ever. He brings so much laughter and joy to our family. It melts my heart to see Colton and Kailyn interacting and loving on each other. Colton is sweet, and affectionate, but at the same time such a dare devil. He climbs/stands on anything and everything he can manage. He wants to do everything his sister does, and often surprises us with what he can do at his age. He has mastered the biggest slide at the park!!! He is definitely a mama's boy and often has a hard time being without mommy. I can't get enough love and kisses from my handsome boy. The love for him and his sister sometimes overwhelms me. I am so incredibly lucky to be the mommy of these two absolutely amazing kiddos. These past 12 months have gone by faster than any other time in my life. I wish I could just slow time down. I want to cherish every minute I have with my baby. But yet, with every new stage brings a whole new level of joy and excitement. I love you more than words could ever try to explain Boo Boo. I can't imagine my life without my baby boy. Happy 1st Birthday Colty!!!!

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