Saturday, March 31, 2012

Crawling Machine

And he is off...........
This little man figured out how to crawl forward overnight, literally. He had been crawling backwards for almost two weeks. I loved it, it was so funny to watch. We were at the In laws house Sunday talking about him going backwards etc. The next morning, K, C and I were are all sitting on the floor, K was eating some cereal. I guess he decided he wanted her cereal bad, because out of no where he started crawling forward to get to the bowl!!! I was screaming with excitement it was so funny. I was on the phone texting the hubby since he was at work. Thankfully I got a good video to send him as well. Here we are almost a week later and he is picking up speed by the minute. It's so fun to watch, he literally "rediscovers" his toys, and his surrounds all over again as he is able to explore them from a new perspective. Oh did I mention that he can now pull himself up on a lot of his toys, and is trying to figure out how to do it with our furniture. I swear this little man is not satisfied with his latest achievements, he has to keep on going on to bigger and better things!!! 
Have you ever seen a cuter little baby boy? I know I haven't!!!!

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